

your organization being a place buzzing with the energy of greatness.

A place, where information flows smoothly through your operations. Where this information gets where it needs to be, when it needs to be there, and with the necessary accuracy, depth and quality. Where people are able to properly digest what they hear and see and act appropriately – no matter what. Where the quality and timing of decisions improve exponentially, so that the likelihood of stuff getting done right the first time will go up, and operational risks can go down.  Imagine it being a place that keeps and attracts the best and the brightest: intrinsically inspired human beings, who don’t have to be motivated with fruit baskets or latte machines. A place, where there is no use for carrots or sticks.

Let’s make it happen

All of this is possible. I am happy to walk to this place with you.

My perception is a precision instrument – by training, by experience, and by nature.
I was trained to think on my feet and to listen to words, the space between words, and the space around them. To perceive human beings and situations in their entirety, process things acurately, and convey meaning and nuance authentically. My success as an entrepreneur, consultant and team organizer depends on understanding precisely what is needed, to make that happen, and to be able to call a spade a spade. So that precious time is not wasted. Being highly sensitive by nature (i.e. those with the wide-area scanner minds, who look right through to the bone, no matter how much flesh there is) means, that in order to use the enormous potential of that incredible gift, I had to learn how to channel and process everything I perceive quickly and appropriately. I can thus easily pan out and zoom in ad lib.

So, if you present me with a problem, I am happy to scan the periphery and dig down to the core with you. To accompany you through your decisions or transformation journey, helping to build up your “change muscles”. To help shed light on some complex questions keeping you busy on a daily basis, or check the basic wiring of your structures and processes for efficiency and effectiveness. To walk with you on your path to greatness.

Why don’t you stroll ahead and have a look at possible Solutions or hang around the Blog a bit, to get some “thought food” for the way.