Solutions for individuals and organizations
Solutions for individuals
The Decision Walker
Are you stuck in a decision? Again? Or just this once?
These are the situations where you might want to give me a call and ask me to walk with you. To get unstuck. When I walk with you through your decision making process, I listen in a different way. The language you use – orally and in writing – tells me an entire story. It tells me, for example, which decision making instance – your gut, heart or brain – is in the drivers seat in a particular context, how information is translated between them, and which instance might not get a say. And how this inner dialogue is affected by and affects your interactions with others. Because it is, and it does.
Over time, the way we work together will help you understand your very own decision making process better. Once you deeply understand this, taking decisions get’s easier – step by step. Until you can walk entirely on your own. This is the ultimate aim of my work – to walk away eventually, because you no longer need me. Just one word of caution: What I will not do, is steer you in any direction or take decisions for you. I rather hold the space you need and explore it with you.
The Sounding Board
You could use a sparring partner? A sounding board who asks you unusual questions, so you can develop an entirely new perspective on things? Someone who is able to hold the space you need in order to think things to the end, and who is courageous enough to challenge you in that space, no matter where you dwell in the company hierarchy? Sounding Board solutions can be scaled ad lib and might be a perfect start for whatever comes next.
They go beyond the immediate and current daily decision making of the Decision Walker, and are rather about the long-term strategic. We will do some decision walking together, but we will also just sit together, staring into the fire.
Solutions for organizations
The Cooperation Pilot
You got a project that got stuck or go haywire because somehow things got “lost in translation” between different silos? You launched a global policy, and somehow cultures clashed over this and all hell broke loose? You dream about up-/down- and cross-selling specific products or services between different businesses and yet, somehow things don’t really flow?
Cooperation hiccups and inefficiencies can have many symptoms, but they all have one underlying cause – an ineffective flow of communication. The reasons for this are manifold. They can be stuctural or situational, or both. I will thus navigate along with your teams through their relevant processes, structures and interactions to find the knots and help untangle them. So that things can flow and stuff gets done.
The Analyst
Do you see a recurring pattern of projects getting stuck or going haywire, cultures clashing, things being “mistranslated” along the daisy chains of escalation and reporting lines, and other such things?
Sounds like you need someone to check the general wiring of your place, i.e. processes, structures, reporting lines, systems, and all that operational stuff that affects the flow of communication and energy in your company. Someone who walks through your organization, listens deeply, takes an unbiased looks into the real, deep-rooted root cause, and helps to fix them. Someone who adds an entirely new dimension to your risk management, prevention and decision making ability. Because she identifies “the spades” at work, and is not afraid to call them by their real name.
Analyst assignments can be a postmortem exercise, shedding light on your past and present, or a design exercise, shining the light ahead from the present into your future. Or both. They can also be the result of some cooperation piloting that revealed structural issues. One word of caution, though: You will not always like what I find. Because, had it been a popular topic to address, it would have been solved a long time ago. So please, only hire me, if you honestly want to know what’s really going on.